Meteorological conditions are important information in Air Quality Monitoring Sy-stems and Networks. As the fate of air pollutants is influenced by the movements and characteristics of the air mass into which they are emitted, no air quality data is com-plete without an accurate in situ record of meteorological conditions. Atmospheric dy-namics determine the formation, transport, deposition and dilution of the pollutant. Primary meteorological variables for AQM applications include Wind Speed, Wind Di-rection, Air Temperature and Relative Humidity, Atmospheric pressure, Radiation and Rain. The turbulence index of the atmosphere typically refers to the atmospheric stabil-ity which is an important information to analyse the deposition and dilution of the pol-lutant over a certain area. Characterization of atmospheric stability for dispersion mod-elling purposes involves measurements of temperature, radiation intensity and wind speed.
Meteorological sensors for AQMS LSI Lastem designs and manufactures the most complete range of meteorological sen-sors and solutions specifically dedicated to AQM applications. Our extensive range in-cludes: wind speed, wind direction, temperature & relative humidity, radiation (global and net), atmospheric pressure and rain sensors. All sensors are designed for easy mounting on a pole or tower without the need of any external converter and have con-nectors in order to choose a cable of the proper length to the data acquisition system. Meteorological station for AQMS Sensors can be connected to a data logger to register and collect data. This solution allows the meteorological system to be independent, saving data and transmitting them to remote servers and at the same time to be linked to the local AQMS data acqui-sition system by Ethernet or RS485 (Modbus protocol).